Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Gotta get my butt in gear!

I haven't touched Sahara in a few days now.. it's looking rather lonely over in that tote bag. Just thinking of all those rows on circular stockinette is making me cringe right now. I really really want to finish it... maybe later today I'll pick it up and do at least a few more rows. Bit by bit, it'll get done, I swear! XDD

Of course I've gone and started something else in the meantime.. *sigh*

I found this Universal Toe -up Sock Formula on Knitty and decided that maybe i should try to knit up a simple pair of socks since I've never done socks before. I've also never knit on dpns before, so it's been interesting although I haven't gottn very far. I'll have to post pics when I get a little further along.

I also want to either revamp my etsy shop or make a new one.. I'm not too happy with the name/shop banner/etc... My friend Takarra is helping me come up with a new name right now. Expect to see a shiny new shop in the near future with new items! (hopefully)

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