Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Two more finished Calorimetries.. and more spinning.

One of the girls at my work really liked the Calo I had knit for myself and asked if I could make her one since she doens't know how to knit, only crochet. She's awesome, so of course I said ok.. but I ended up making two for her instead of one, cause I couldn't decide on which yarn I wanted to use!

Both of them together:

Calo #1
Knit from Filatura di Crosa 127 Print yarn.
Alterations: 88 sts co instead of 120, 11 short row repeats instead of 15.

Calo #2
Knit from JoAnn Sensations Casual Elegance Collection Celebration yarn,
Alterations: 92 sts co instead of 120, 7 short row repeats instead of 15.

I've also finished my mohair and plied it. I love the way it feels. And it's super fuzzy. Unfortunatly I wasn't bright enough to write down the yardage I got and I can't remember. It was either 27 or 37.. lol I'm a dumbass sometimes. I wanted to do more, but my tiny spindle just wasn't having any of it. So I didn what I could and I still have slightly less than half of the fiber I originally started out with. And I won more from the same ebay seller so that'll be coming in the mail soon.. I can't wait to play with it. :D

I also got my silk hankies in the mail the other day and dove right into those. They're a little difficult for me to work with, but they're fun! And I loooove the colors. The only thing that really drives me nuts is that they stick to my hands like crazy! I spun about half of the pink ones I got and I'll probably do the rest later this week. I managed to get appx 13 yds. I couldn't believe how soft it turned out to be! Now if I could only get the drafting right....

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