I have been seriously neglectful with this blog. I actually had decided at one point or another that is wasn't worth it to keep the blog.. because I am lazy and I don't bother to post anymore. 2010 is a new year and a chance for me to resurrect this blog and actually post on it, whether anyone else reads it or not. It doesn't matter. Since I found ravelry, I kind of lost what I had originally set this blog up for - to document my projects so I could see my progress and what I had done overall. I will still use this blog for that purpose somewhat, but also to just post random pictures and happenings. Why the heck not.
I'll start it off this year a list of resolutions. I had said last night that I didn't want to do resolutions for whatever reason (I honestly don't really remember.. it's kind of fuzzy lol) but maybe we shall call them "yearly goals" instead.
Knitting/Fiber Goals for 2010
- Find and frog any project that I really have no intention of finishing and reclaim that yarn.
- Organize the stash and weed out yarn I am not going to use.
- Knit a lace shawl.
- Knit a sweater that I will actually keep and wear.
- Finish the Vest of Doom for my mother.
- Finish the socks I am test knitting for Carol. Actually, finish all socks I have on the needles before starting a new pair.
- Complete 5 projects from my queue.
- Spin on my wheels more. And spin from stash or give away what I am not going to use.
- Organize my spindles and fiber.
- Use the Cricket more.
- Learn how to weave patterns on the Cricket.
- Finish at least one project for Takarra and finally give her something.
- Crochet an afghan.
Other Goals for 2010
- Finish organizing and unpacking. I moved out almost a year ago. This is silly.
- Cancel any subscriptions to things I don't need/use.
- Eat healthier and lose enough weight so my clothes aren't tight anymore.
- Eat out less. I spend too much money on this.
- Get health insurance. Or preferably, get a new job that will actually give me health insurance.
- Post on the blog more often.
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