Thursday, June 07, 2007


After not touching my spindles for a couple of months, I decided it would be interesting to reconnect with them and the tons of roving I still have lying around begging to be spun. I had all intentions of purchasing a wheel.. but that when down the drain when my car demanded to be fixed for the cost of appx $800. Bye bye wheel. One day....

Anyways... I finally FINALLY! learned how to spin for real and not just do that park ad draft.. thing. You have no idea how freakishly excited I was. I was browsing spinning sites online and I says to myself.. "Self. We're going to get back to spinning. And we're going to do it proper, yes we are. NOW." So I tried it.. and surprisingly, soemthing must have clicked. Because ther eI was.. spinning! And not having to tuck the spindle in between my knees just to let the twist creep up into the drafting zone.

Now, mond you, it was coming out suuuuuper thin. And it took me a while to figure out how to draft a bit more and thicken it up. But I am happy as a clam with the results.

I broke out the pretty roving I got from mainewoodsyarn in the erin colorway and spun up a small single. Only appx 19 yds and 22 wpi. Merino/corriedale

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I also used up the rest of the silk hankie I had lying around.. I adore the way this stuff spins up. It has great exture. Even if it does tend to stick to you when spinning. XD

I used all of what I had and plied it on itself.. appx 12 yds 12 wpi

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Of course this prompted me to go and purchase MORE roving and hankies. Caus eI need them .They call to meeeeeee.


I bought these lovelies on etsy.. and I got them today! So of course I can't wait to start spinning them .:)

AND I bought a total of 8 oz of roving from Spunky Eclectic. 2 different colorways, 4 oz each .I absolutely cannot wait until those ge there. Squee!

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