Although I really need to stop spending money, I couldn't help but buy some more roving.. I wanted to play with different colors darnit! All I had was the pretty green/yellow roving, and the red/black one.. and some mohair which I've been working on using up... so I've been anxious to get something new. And of course I havent' even come anywhere near using all of what I already have. XD Silly me.
I bought two more gorgeous rovings from mainewoodsyarn.etsy.com Lovely shades of purple and maroon on one, and pretty blues osn the other. I can't wait to play with those. They're so fluffy and soft!
I also got 4oz of mill ends on ebay. It's a wool/mohair blend in white/grey and black. Lovely stuff. :)
And I also bought some silk hankies from ebay but I havent' recieved them yet. Just paid for them yesterday! I'm actually a bit timid on trying to spin the silk, but it looks interested, and I figure if I can try mohair which is super slippery to me, then why not the silk?
Here's the progress on the mohair spinning if anyone's interested.... I love it so far! I'm just trying to decide if I want to ply it when I'm done..